The final 2015 regular season batting and pitching statistics and team leaders are posted below.
Final Batting Statistics
Best Batting Average: Connor Moss .338 (minimum 80 plate appearances)
Best On Base Average: Wesley Birchmeier .455 (minimum 80 plate appearances)
Most Hits: Connor Moss 50
Most Home Runs: Shane Connahan 4
Most Runs Batted In: Nolan Ramsey 26
Most Walks Drawn: Wesley Birchmeier 22
Final Pitching Statistics
Most Wins: Colin Hudson, Drew Mullinax, and Mathias Brewers 4
Most Saves: Mathias Brewers and Nicholas Purpera 2
Most Innings Pitched: Cameron Smith 40.67
Most Strikeouts: Mathias Brewers 32
Best Earned Run Average: Kyle Vedrode 1.96 (minimum 20 innings pitched)